
I'm running into the sun but I'm...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

CRAZY Busy!!!

Wow!  It has been a CRAZY busy couple of weeks, but, surprisingly, my training has stayed on track.  I was able to get in an icy, windy 9 mile run last Saturday and plan to get up to double digits this weekend!  I was supposed to have a 5 mile run tonight but we are getting pounded by a snow storm.  We even got sent home from work this afternoon to work from our homes.  We'll just reschedule it for tomorrow.

I have been trying to decide on a 2013 fitness goal.  I have seen a lot of the the "1000 mile challenges."  I ran about 600 miles this year and while I plan to do more in 2013, I'm not sure if 1000 is do-able for me yet.

I used a link called Athlinks to track my races and noticed that I ran 8 races this year.  Since I'm already signed up for 3 in 2013 (the first one on New Year's Day) and a virtual race (to benefit Sandy Hook Elementary) I have decided that my fitness goal will be to run 13 races in 2013.

Of course, I have the never ending battle of the bulge to work on as well but I am trying really hard not to obsess about the weight so I am not making a resolution based on the scale!

What fitness goals have you set for 2013?

Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Well, maybe for some.  I am just on the brink of starting to become overwhelmed.  I am trying to take it one step at a time but in addition to the normal holiday craziness, add in my daughter's bridal shower - on December 23rd!  What were we THINKING?!?!?

Ok.  Back to the training - which, by the way, is actually helping me with the potential stress!  The training is going well. I bounced back pretty good this week after having such a horrible cold the week before.  Monday's two mile run was painful but I got in some good core work on Tuesday, another 2 mile run on Wednesday, core Thursday morning and a 5 mile run Thursday night.  Core on Friday and a really good 8 mile run yesterday.  The weather was incredible this week for being almost the middle of December.  Yesterday morning it was 50 degrees during our run and we got to see a small "herd" of 5 deer near the towpath.  They were really beautiful.

So, I hope that this week goes well and that I can continue on a good training routine even with all the parties and other activities approaching.  I'll need it now, more than ever, to work out the stress and work off the extra pounds from all of the food!!!

How do you schedule your training runs during the holidays?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

I'm so glad this week is OVER!

Well, it happened.  I had been battling a cold for about 2 weeks and successfully warding it off with vitamin C and ColdEze lozenges but this week, everyone at work got sick - including me.

The week started off ok.  I got my normal 2 mile run in on Monday, core workout on Tuesday, 2 miles on Wednesday but Wednesday night - it hit.  In a matter of minutes, after dinner Wednesday night, my head started filling up with snot.  I knew it was too late for more ColdEze or vitamin C.  When I woke up Thursday morning - I was sick.

I tried to muscle through.  I did a really half a$$ed core workout.  Amanda and I had a 5 miler planned for after work.  I started it but only made it two miles before the pressure behind my right eye made it impossible to go any further.  I still tried a half a$$ed core workout on Friday but it was pathetic.

Amanda and I were supposed to go 8 miles on Saturday.  Knowing how clogged my head still felt, we skipped the run and went Outlet Mall Christmas shopping instead.  I'm sure I got in a couple of miles worth of walking but it's just not the same.

My husband and I did our community's Candlelight  Walk tonight.  It is a couple of miles of walking to all the churches and some historic homes in the community where they sing carols at each location and have cookies and beverages.  At least I stayed a little active over the weekend.

I'm starting to feel a little better so I am planning for my regular two mile run in the morning and I HOPE that I can get back on my training track this week and I hope I didn't lose too much progress.

How do you stay active and continue training when you're sick?