
I'm running into the sun but I'm...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

CRAZY Busy!!!

Wow!  It has been a CRAZY busy couple of weeks, but, surprisingly, my training has stayed on track.  I was able to get in an icy, windy 9 mile run last Saturday and plan to get up to double digits this weekend!  I was supposed to have a 5 mile run tonight but we are getting pounded by a snow storm.  We even got sent home from work this afternoon to work from our homes.  We'll just reschedule it for tomorrow.

I have been trying to decide on a 2013 fitness goal.  I have seen a lot of the the "1000 mile challenges."  I ran about 600 miles this year and while I plan to do more in 2013, I'm not sure if 1000 is do-able for me yet.

I used a link called Athlinks to track my races and noticed that I ran 8 races this year.  Since I'm already signed up for 3 in 2013 (the first one on New Year's Day) and a virtual race (to benefit Sandy Hook Elementary) I have decided that my fitness goal will be to run 13 races in 2013.

Of course, I have the never ending battle of the bulge to work on as well but I am trying really hard not to obsess about the weight so I am not making a resolution based on the scale!

What fitness goals have you set for 2013?

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