
I'm running into the sun but I'm...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Lazy Weekend!

Well, it started out good.  Had a wonderful run with my friend, Amanda.  It was bright and sunny and the air was cool.  We run along the canal and it was beautiful to see the steam rising from the water as the sun started to warm the air.  One of my favorite kinds of mornings to run and we had a good time to show for it!

After that - the weekend became a lazy football fest!  It was clambake weekend at our favorite restaurant/bar so I filled up on clams and lobster and watched football and napped the rest of the weekend!  I guess you need one of those every now and then!

One thing I did do while I was laying around was sign up for a 10k taking place in our town on Sunday.  It's an "out and back" and I am hoping for nice weather and a PR!  I will only get one good run in this week - tomorrow - so I hope I'm prepared!

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