
I'm running into the sun but I'm...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend

It's all coming to a close.  We had a wonderful weekend with friends and family.  Both kids and their significant others were here at various times throughout.  We started with the arrival of my daughter and her fiance early Thursday morning.  Just in time to run a 5K Turkey Trot.  My daughter is a fantastic pacer and paced me to a 5K PR of 28:51! 

We arrived home to start with the obnoxious amount of eating and drinking.  We had breakfast pizza with mimosas and Bloody Marys. 

After breakfast, we began preparing our Thanksgiving feast.  It was an intimate crowd - just my husband and I.  My daughter and her fiance and my parents.  We made up by eating enough for an army!

Friday was spent with an early 8 mile run and some errands.  My son and his girlfriend arrived late Friday night and while I went to bed early, everyone stayed up partying most of the night! 

The reason for my early bedtime Friday night was so that I could get up bright and early on Saturday morning and venture out, along with my mom, to our favorite local sport's bar where we claimed seats for everyone for the Ohio State - Michigan game.  We all celebrated their win!

Today was spent cooking lunch for my son and his girlfriend - they requested meatloaf - and cooking a turkey stock with the leftover turkey carcass.  I made about 100 gallons so we will be eating turkey noodle soup for many months to come!

Tomorrow, reality begins again.  A short two mile run in the morning and then a FIRM resolve to get back on the "decent eating" bandwagon.  Of course, that will only last for a couple of weeks before the next holiday arrives and the eating reaches obnoxious levels again.

What do you do to keep your appetite in check during the holiday season?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Conference Week - I Survived!

I mostly survived Conference Week.  I got in two short 2 mile treadmill workouts so that was good since I wasn't sure I would get in any workouts!  My diet was what suffered the most.  I didn't have my green smoothies and instead, had a plethora of some of the fattiest foods known to man at my beck and call.  Bacon for breakfast every morning was heavenly on the taste buds but devilish on my abs. 

I didn't even improve when I got home.  I had pizza for dinner Friday night, bar food and beer Saturday and today was our annual Turkey Bowl with some Fantasy Football friends:  chili, buffalo chicken dip, turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy.  I made an attempt at healthy by eating the roasted asparagus but then washed it all down with some Bud Light.

I'm going to make an attempt to get back on track the first half of this week but I know it will all be blown again starting Thursday.  I'm going to try not to stress about it.  I'm just going to keep working out and hope for the best.  I can start the diet all over again in January!

I did have a good 7.5 mile run yesterday.  It was 30 degrees starting out but the sun was shining brightly (after it actually rose above the horizon - we went out at 7:30am) and the air was invigorating.  I was grumpy and complaining about it but when we were done at 9am and most people weren't even out of bed yet - it felt so good!

How do you keep your diet in check when you are away from home?  Or over the Holidays?  I need some good advice!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Conference Week

It's been a while since I've posted.  I'm sure my legions of fans are missing me - NOT!!!

Training is going along as scheduled.  I've had two 7 mile runs so far.  The second one was a 20 second faster pace than the first one!  I hope to see THAT keep improving!!!

My diet is going about the same as usual.  I have been diligent about my green smoothies every day but I do slip a bit - perhaps with a salted caramel mocha frappachino last week and maybe with a peanut butter cookie or two this week...

Tomorrow starts 4 days of our semi-annual conference that we conduct for my job.  It means crappy eating, standing on my feet all day and no place to run it off other than a treadmill.  The conference is in a bad part of Cleveland.  Even though the facilities are amazing, there is no place to run outside and no time to get in a good "medium" run during the week.  I got a good two miler in this morning and will do abs tomorrow morning.  The best I can hope for is two days on the treadmill and anther ab workout in the hotel room.  I'll have to do the best I can to watch my diet and then stay back at 7 miles for my "long" run on Saturday. 

I know we have worked plenty of time into our training schedule so I'm not going to stress about it too much - there's just simply, nothing I can do about it!  I am really looking forward to the kids being home over Thanksgiving.  The conference and the holiday are going to make these next couple of weeks crazy busy!

How do you run/workout during weeks when circumstances make it next to impossible?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Will the Sun Ever Come Out?

I should know better.  Probably not until April.  Northeast Ohio averages 66 days of sun per year.  We were really spoiled this summer by so many sunny days.  I guess we're making up for it now!  It's been 10 days since we've seen the sun and it even snowed a bit this morning!

I got a really good 7 mile run in on Saturday.  Then I ruined my run by eating football food and drinking beer.  But I am still drinking my green smoothies every day.  Recently, I have even started adding a scoop of protein powder!

Last week, we all got the base for our costumes.  Target had their costumes half off so we were able to get these cute tank/tutu one piece outfits for $10!  I'm hoping my mom can add the white peplum things that are on Cinderella's skirt and add some puffy white sleeves.   I think I will like this better than just a tutu because I won't have to worry about it fitting in the waist.  Just slip it on!  I think I might have trouble with my Spibelt but I will try to figure something out for fuel and my phone. 

I got a quick 2 mile run in this morning.  Tomorrow is cross training, Wednesday is a 5 miler with Amanda (if her shins are feeling better) Thursday is cross train.  Friday should be a 2 miler and another 7 miler on Saturday!  Training is ticking by!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Whatta Week!

After the Making Strides walk on Sunday, I started feeling a cold coming on.  I know the experts say that being wet and cold doesn't make you sick but I don't believe a word of it!  I got a wet and cold 2 mile run in on Monday morning and then Hurricane/Super Storm Sandy hit us Monday night.  Luckily, Tuesday was already planned to be an off day.  That's when I started feeling sick.

Amanda and I were thinking about going to Zumba on Tuesday night but our boss gave us tickets to the Cavaliers home opener so we went up to Cleveland for the ball game.  Wednesday morning was bad news.  I got up to do a 2 mile run but my sinuses were stuffed and I was feeling very achy.  When I stepped outside, it was STILL windy, raining and cold and I just couldn't face it.  It was the first run I have blown off in months.  I did a few half hearted core exercises (read:  a couple of planks) and crawled off to work.  After a day of Cold Ease and vitamin C lozenges, I came home and fell asleep on the couch at 6:15.  I finally crawled up to bed at about 8:30 but all that sleep made me feel MUCH better today!

Photo: I will NOT get sick!

Amanda and I had a 5 mile run planned for this evening.  We ran at the park on their lit track since it is too dark in the evenings now to get in a medium length run at the canal tow path.  The rain cleared up and just before dusk, we even saw a quick glimpse of, what we thought might be the sun!  The first time in a week!  Running on the track isn't as bad as I thought.  It's 1.1 miles in length so it's not just a short track.  Amanda's shins were bothering her so I ran on ahead and went 4.3 miles.  Amanda was waiting for me so I cut my run just a little short.  Saturday, I am doing a 7 miler.  I haven't run that distance since July!  I'll be on my own so I'm planning to get out as early as possible to get out and get done!