
I'm running into the sun but I'm...

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The best laid plan....

Remember that cold I was catching a week ago today? Thursday it was diagnosed as pneumonia. Needless to say, my training plan was out the window this week. I actually got in some decent cross training on Monday and a 2 mile run on Tuesday before my body just gave out on Wednesday. Yesterday, I was scheduled to run 9 miles. I WALKED 2 - slowly. I finally got my appetite back today - just in time for Easter Dinner - and I finally feel some of my strength finally returning. I can't imagine what this is going to do to my training for my Half Marathon on 4/20 but all I can do is the best I can do!

I know I probably got sick from all the traveling and activity that has been going on in my life since the middle of February but it is not going to slow down until at least the end of May. I hope my health, strength and stamina holds out!

This weeks semi-plan:
Monday: 2 mile run
Tuesday: cross train
Wednesday: am cross train, pm run - I'm hoping for 5 miles.
Thursday: cross train
Friday: 2 mile run
Saturday: run. I don't know how far. I will have to play it by ear. Right now, I hope 8 or 9 miles.

How to you get back to your training after an illness?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hanging on

It has been an insane couple of weeks but I'm doing my best to hang on to some bit of sanity. I was proud of myself that I was able to run each of the 3 mornings that I spent in Puerto Rico. 2 three milers and 1 5.5 miler. I ran on a KILLER golf course on the side of a 300 foot cliff. The hills were MASSIVE and combined with the heat, even these short runs were quite the workout!

I didn't get to run in St. Louis but got a good 4 miler in as soon as I got home. I also participated in a Zoomba class this week which all culminated in a super fast 8 mile run yesterday. 1:24 for 8 miles made me happy!

This week should be relatively normal but, of course, now I am trying to catch a cold. I have laid on the couch all day sucking on Cold-eez and vitamin C lozenges. Thankfully, we have Friday off work. I am going to need it to get caught up on wedding preparations!

I am just going to take training one day at a time and get in as many miles as possible prior to my 2 half marathons in a 3 week period on 4/20 and 5/5!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A New Week, a New Trip!

Last week's training went really well. I only missed my Wednesday morning run due to about 2 inches of slush on the roads! This week's plan will be affected by yet another trip. This time we are headed for Puerto Rico on Thursday. I REALLY hope to be able to fit in a good long run. At least 7 miles. My tentative plan looks like this:

Monday: 2 miles
Tuesday: morning-cross train, evening-5 mile run
Wednesday: cross train
Thursday: travel day
Friday or Saturday: 7 mile run. The other day will be cross training

The craziness begins in earnest from now until the end of May!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hey, Look! A Blog!

Do I still have one of these things? I know I took some time off from blogging. I was right. After my last 12 mile run (almost a month ago) I was ready! The PHM was a BLAST! I wish I had a better finish time but I had a wonderful time doing the race. I'll give a more complete recap soon. The heat and humidity resulted in me not being able to get my breathing into a comfort zone and all of the stopping for pictures messed with my head but I didn't mind that part!

After spending a FANTASTIC week at Disney World, I'm ready to get my diet and training back on track TOMORROW! Saturday is the Nike Women's virtual 10k and the next half marathon is April 20th!

My tentative plan for the week is:
Monday - 2 mile run
Tuesday - Cross train
Wednesday - 2 mile run
Thursday - morning cross train, evening 4 or 5 mile run
Friday - Cross training
Saturday - Virtual 10k

Here's a couple PMH pictures: