
I'm running into the sun but I'm...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

These Shoes are Made for Running!


I got my new shoes!  They are Nike Zoom Structure +16.  I almost bought another pair of Brooks Adrenaline.  I have really liked those shoes and liked the new ones when I tried them on today.  But, I'm tempted to try something different and these came highly recommended.  I will try them out tomorrow afternoon on my 5 mile run!

Speaking of running, the bug is crawling into my blood deeper and deeper.  I went for a 2 mile run this morning and it was drizzly and misty and I DIDN'T HATE IT!   I usually can't even stomach the thought of running in the rain but I did it and survived.  I think it made me feel bad ass to be out in the rain (even though it really was only a drizzle)!

The diet is coming along.  I did eat a little pasta last night and I still haven't shed a pound but I am trying really hard to ignore the numbers on the scale and go with how I feel.  Every morning, after I finish my green smoothie, I imagine I look like Popeye after he eats his spinach.  I picture all the strength building in all my muscles (imagery must be worth SOMETHING!).

Another bit of excitement is that my daughter and I are going to run an inaugural Turkey Trot in our area on Thanksgiving morning.  I'm excited to run with her but scared!  I told her that my lofty goal is to run the 5K sub 30:00.  She said she'd be sure that I get 28:00.  I told her that would make me dead!  We'll see.  I am working on the speed and the Turkey Trot is still a month away!

Hoping to finish out the week strong with some abs in the morning, 5-6 miles tomorrow afternoon, abs or 30 Day Shred on Friday and a good 6-7 mile run on Saturday.  I'll let you know how it goes!

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